Saturday, November 15, 2014

Aisling Franciosi Talks About Jamie and 'The Fall'

Best known for playing babysitter Katie - teenage temptress to suburban serial killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan) in the Belfast-set drama ‘The Fall’ – actress Aisling Franciosi has indelibly started her career off on a high.

IFTN caught up with Aisling Franciosi to talk about her work in ‘The Fall’, currently airing Sunday nights on RTÉ (and Thursday nights on BBC) , and what the future holds for the actress.

We talked with the DOP of the show Ruairí O'Brien last week and he spoke of the sparse dialogue and the use of imagery to help the story. I suppose this can be true of the characters too and in particular with Katie – whose machinations and motivations seem entirely removed from a normal 15 year old - there is always the sense that she is saying a lot more with her eyes and face than with her words. Was this a challenge for you?

Aisling Franciosi: Yeah, actually Allan said that – we were at a Q&A last week there in Belfast and he said that he quite likes using actors who are able to say things with their eyes more so – and those are his words not mine! I’m not saying I can do that but he seems to think I can [laughs]. But I think that’s the one of the reasons that Jamie Dornan is so good, and obviously Gillian Anderson too, but as a model Jamie had to learn how to send something across with his eyes without saying anything and that really helped the performance because you can read so much without him saying anything. With Katie, there is definitely a troubled side to her. She initially seemed in season one a slightly rebellious and precocious teenager who is kind of coming into being aware of her sexuality but actually in season two you start to realise that it’s a bit more than that, there’s something else going on. So, I would maybe describe myself as quite a cerebral actor anyway so I quite like trying to portray stuff through the thought process of actually seeing the character think. So, I quite liked that about ‘The Fall’ and I hope it comes across!


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